Category: Join Us
Category: Join Us
Technology Use in Tourism and Hospitality Industry During and After COVID19
Join us for the Expert Session of “Ai Mo Talks” with Dr. Seden Dogan on “Technology Use in Tourism and Hospitality Industry During and After COVID19”. During a global crisis, the tourism and hospitality industry usually takes the strongest punch, being one of the strong pillars of the modern socio-economic
Read MoreExpert Session of “Ai Mo Talks” on Fuzzy Business Management
Join is in Expert Session of “Ai Mo Talks” on Fuzzy Business Management under COVID19” with Dr. Waqas Ahmed. Business Management requires flawless planning, situational analysis, reliable information and prompt decision making that faces unpredictable outcomes and uncertainty. Using Military tactic of OODA Loop and situational leadership, Mr. Waqas will
Read MorePost COVID Cyber Security in Central Asia
Join us for “Ai Mo Talks” with Nigina Ortikova on “Post COVID Cyber Security in Central Asia”. In rising digital Central Asia, it is not a question of if but when cyberattacks and disruptions will occur. As the internet expands and populations become increasingly dependent upon it, societies must focus
Read MoreManaging Treasury in the Time of COVID19
Dear Colleagues, Join us for “Ai Mo Talks” with Dr. Devendra Kumar Jain. He will shed a light on Key Challenges to the Contemporary Corporate Sector for Cash flow Modelling and Cash flow Forecasting in times of COVID-19. As we all know that the success and failure of any business
Read More“Ai Mo Talks” on Health Informatics
Dear Colleagues, Dr. Ammar Younas will be hosting first “Ai Mo Talks” event with Dr. Mohsin Shaikh on the topic “Health Informatics in the Era of Pandemic”. Health informatics or Health Information Systems uses information technology to organize and analyze health records to improve healthcare outcomes. Health Informatics deals with
Read MoreKey Note Lecture on Techno Legal Challenges for Innovations in Central Asia
Ammar Younas was invited as a Keynote speaker in the Conference organized by OksLab Uzbekistan at Inha University in Uzbekistan. Dr. Ammar Younas spoke on the legal challenges being faced by the legal systems in the era of technology.
Read MoreWebinar on Tech Law
The AIFC Academy of Law and Ai Mo Innovation Consultants are pleased to invite you to the webinar on “Legal progression of Technology Law in Central Asia” by Dr. Ammar Younas Date and time: Friday, June 19 at 15.00 (NS time, GMT+6) Overview: Technology is becoming a part of the
Read MoreInterview During National Legal Forum 2020
Dr. Ammar Younas delivered a presentation and an interview during National Legal Forum 2020 Kyrgyzstan. Dr. Ammar highlighted the importance of Digital Law for Central Asian region and identified key areas which require attention of legislation bodies.
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