Michael Overstreet and Ammar Younas discussing the Ethics of Robotics.
Michael Overstreet and Ammar Younas discussing the Ethics of Robotics.

We are pleased to invite everyone who is interested to learn more about ethics of Robotics in a discussion with Michael Overstreet. @Ammar Younas and Mike try to explore the relation between science, technology, society and ethics and will shed a light on the importance of increasing collaboration between social and applied scientists. Biography of our Guest: Mike is a computer programmer by day and an amateur roboticist by night. Mike and his humanoid robot Boomer have competed in the last 11 Robogames and have won multiple bronze, silver and gold metals. For the past 10 years he has been experimenting with 3D printed robot designs at his local hackerspace which he is a founding member of. He is an active member of the 3D printer community and he is working on his own 3d printer design. He also has been a grass roots supporter of the Kansas City Maker Faire as well as attending most of the national and international Maker Faires. People who are interested in his adventures in robotics should check out his blog “I, Bioloid”. He is currently exploring open-source 3D printed robotics and using the ROS (Robot Operating System) with his robots.